

There was a little light that was so dim

Flowing beneath, simmering within

It caught the attention of the moon

Who gave the light a steady tune

As time went on that little light grew

It wasn’t long and they both knew

That little light would become a flame

That glowed within them both the same

The moon was steady and held the flame through the night

And that little flame felt worthy and bright


IMG_6491You feel the grip, closing in around your throat silencing your voice.

A hot warmth creeps in, flushing your feet to pink cheeks as your burn inside out.

It meets the echoes of the racing beats within your ears deafening your thoughts.

You see lips moving all around you, but you hear no sound as you watch the show unfold.

You mime the movements, head back with laughter, being an image for all to see.

You’re a picture, moving effortlessly around them, smiling blue and red.

Inside that mirage you are gasping, flailing, drowning, choking on who you are supposed to be.

The waves continue to wash over you, extinguishing your flame as you retreat deeper within.

No one notices when the light in your eyes goes dark.

You feel but they don’t see, the battle living within me.


IMG_6482He called to her, but she couldn’t go inside.

Her feet remained firmly planted, just outside the world where she was supposed to be.

She couldn’t move because…
…another was holding her heart, while they stood miles apart, staring at the moon.

It filled bright red, just like loving him.


It’s our human nature to connect, create and develop bonds with other people that catch our interest and intrigue us. Some people feel instantaneously like they were meant to be a part of you. When you meet those people, you just know you felt something different that is going to imprint their soul on yours. You and they find a higher connection that you haven’t experienced before and from that moment forward your life changes because they are in it.

Some of these relationships far exceed our expectations of what it means to care and love another person and others bring you the most intense pain you’ve ever felt. You learn from these experiences what it means to have a bursting or broken heart. That same connection that can light up your existence and can emulate joy and positivity as a result of knowing them, is the same connection that can slowly seep within you from the inside and become the sadness in your eyes that once shone the brightest at the thought of them.

With the reciprocated love and admiration you feel like your already whole self has been given a unique gift that only makes you feel more than you ever thought you could be. You become a better version of yourself because the connection you have with them enhances you and is bringing positivity and support to your life.

With those you love and wait for the reciprocation that for many different reasons can’t be returned, there comes that moment, the actual moment where you let your heart make the final break. You understand and accept that loving them just isn’t enough to have that love returned to you.

And as the moment ensues…the last tears for them will roll freely down your cheeks and as you wipe them away you have the clarity that this is the moment you are going to let them go… because you are unrequited.

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